Download the Bill of Rights

Being Amendments To The Great Democracy Charter Of St Albans 2013

First. On the Sovereignty of the People and Nation of England.

We assert that sovereignty resides in the People and Nation of England and in no other person, group, body or organisation whether elected or not and that all powers, authority, prerogatives and privileges and all other aspects that arise from this sovereignty that have in the past belonged to the crown or parliament or any other body shall now reside in the People and Nation of England.

The Sovereignty of the People and Nation of England is absolute, indivisible and inalienable and may not be given, exchanged, sold or allowed to transfer to any other nation, person or body, whether elected or not.

No statute nor action of any person, body or organisation, whether elected or not, nor any referendum of the People or Nation of England, has the power to diminish this sovereignty in any way.

It is unlawful to comply with any Act of Parliament or law that diminishes or removes this sovereignty.

Any action, that seeks to diminish the sovereignty shall be accounted as treason and such person or persons shall be removed to a court of law where their guilt or innocence shall be judged.

Monmouthshire can become part of England should the people of Monmouthshire say they wish to in a referendum.

Second. On the Historic Rights of the People of England.

The People of England have long been protected against arbitrary acts by their historic rights amongst which are the following and these rights shall be maintained as sovereign rights of the People and Nation of England:

  1. That election of members of Parliament ought to be free;
  2. That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament;
  3. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted;
  4. That jurors ought to be duly empanelled and returned, and jurors which pass upon men in trials for high treason ought to be freeholders.
  5. That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void;
  6. No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.
  7. To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice.
  8. No one shall be detained without sufficient cause and evidence.

Third. On the Right of the People of England to Free Speech.

It is the duty of every man and woman in England according to the measure of what they have ascertained to be true and without prejudice, evil intention or with the purpose of alienating the sovereignty of the People and the Nation of England to speak what they can speak and do what they can do.

Therefore no law shall be made prohibiting or limiting the freedom of speech as described above, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Any attempt to bring into disrepute, whether openly or in any underhand way or by acting as an ‘agent provocateur’, persons who peaceably exercises these rights shall be treated as an act of treason and the persons carrying out, ordering or promoting such attempts shall be taken before a court for trial.

Fourth. On Citizenship of England

  1. Rules should be devised to enable the smooth transition of those British citizens with English national identity to convert their citizenship from British To English.
  2. A citizen of England will be any individual who holds an English passport

A. An individual may acquire the right to an English passport by having parents both of whom are English citizens

  1. If one parent is an English citizen an individual may acquire the right to English citizenship by:-
  1. having been resident in England since birth, or;
  2. has exercised the right to an English passport by the age of 25 having been resident in England for two years between the ages of 16 and 25 prior to exercising their right.
  3. A Citizen of England may not be a citizen or hold a passport of any other country.

B. Acquisition of Citizenship

  1. A citizen of another country may gain the right to an English passport after 10 years of immigrant status, provided they:-
  • have not committed a serious criminal offence in that time.
  • have provided the required evidence, to the required level, that they can speak English and know and understand English values and customs.
  • Years in which welfare benefits claimed amount to more than one-fifth of the earned gross income will not count towards the 10 year period.

2. A citizen of another country may gain citizenship through active service with an English Army, Airforce or Navy unit or have been working for such a unit whilst it is engaged in active service provided that:-

  • the period of active service exceeds 18 months in any period of seven years
  • or, if less, if the individual was unable to continue in service due to injuries incurred whilst on active service
  • or if the nature of the work they performed means that the life of them or their family is in danger because of their service to England.

Fifth. On Residency and Immigration

  1. A Resident is a foreign national who has the required work permits and is living in England for the purposes of carrying out, in England, the work described therein. Residency does not count towards the time required for acquiring citizenship.
  2. Residents may only be granted permits to reside and work if they have a Sponsor who has the capacity to, and has accepted the responsibility of:-
  • providing the required full health insurance for the resident and any family,
  • paying, for the full term of the residency, a level of income to the resident that is above the level at which welfare benefits are payable.

A Sponsor may be some person or organisation that can show that:-

  • there is no citizen of working age who can carry out the job described in the work permit
  • for the five years prior to applying for permission to employ a foreign worker they have;
    • employed a reasonable number of apprentices and trainees
    • have regularly trained their workforce in relevant skills
    • have worked with schools and local colleges and/or institute of higher education to improve the employability of their students.
  1. If a Resident looses their employment they must leave England within four months unless they have in the meantime gained a work permit from another Sponsor.
  2. A Resident may convert his status to that of Immigrant according to the rules to be enacted by an English Parliament.

Sixth. On Asylum and Refugee Status.

Asylum seekers and refugees should seek asylum in the nearest safe country to the country from which they are fleeing.

England will not accept refugees or grant asylum to those who have not met this requirement.

Refugee or Asylum status will usually only be granted to those citizens of a neighbouring country. Exceptionally those individual who are suffering persecution for their support of England, English interest or English values may be granted such status.

The English government may give humanitarian aid to countries who are experiencing an abnormal level of requests for refugee or asylum status so they may maintain a safe environment for the refugee and asylum seekers and for their own citizens who are being adversely affected by this influx of people.

Seventh. On the Duties of Elected Representatives

Representatives elected by the voters must represent the views and best interests of their constituents.

Such views and promises as are given to the electorate by the candidate as reasons for their elections can only be changed if the representative submit themselves for re-election.

Failing this the representative may not vote against or in any other way act against their views and promises as expressed when they put themselves up for election.

If representatives

  1. do not comply with this;
  2. or have omitted important facts and conflicts of interest about their past that are relevant to their election;
  3. or behave in a way that brings themselves or their electors into disrepute;

then the electors may carry out a new binding election in which the representative must either take part or resign from their post.

Eighth. On the Equality of the People of England

The state must accept that all the People of England are, as humans, equal, irrespective of gender or ethnicity or religion. Educational and social expenditures must be made in a way that ensures that opportunities offered meet the needs and abilities of each individual and not on the basis of generic attributes such as gender, race or religion. Categories, for deciding or attributing the expenditure of taxes, of any sort, may not be made that include reference to these attributes alone.

Ninth. On the Right of the People of England to be Free From the Tyranny of Multiculturalism and Political Correctness

The public culture of England is the English culture with its belief in the Law of the Land, to which all are subject, even Parliament and that these laws may be changed only by a decision of a parliament representing us all.

The individual cultures of the people of England should be respected but no law may be made, nor any public policy instituted, that puts these cultures at or above the culture of England in the public sphere.

The People of England have the right to free-speech as defined in Article 3 and whilst this right should always be exercised with courtesy to others that does in no way imply that there is a bar to exercising that right.

Tenth. On the Duties of the People of England

The People of England must regularly show their allegiance to the Law of the Land and to the Parliament that creates them.

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