Category Archives: democracy england

Doncaster, with our Mayor, shows the way!

17/08/11 – Dispersal order in Wheatley continues to be a success

A section 30 dispersal order, which was granted for six months in Wheatley at the beginning of June, has again proved its worth during the first few weeks of the summer holidays. Incidents of anti-social behaviour were down by 40% in July.

South Yorkshire Police and Doncaster Council applied for the order, which enables the police to disperse from the area groups of two or more people causing a nuisance, after residents raised a number of concerns about antisocial behaviour, including the use of abusive and foul language, criminal damage, littering and intimidating behaviour.

Activities have also been organised for young people to give them something positive to do with their evenings. The Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) is hosting multi sports activities for youngsters. Local youth clubs have extended opening hours and there have been a number of drop-in sessions organised at the Wheatley Youth Club and the Kingfisher Youth Club.

The Wheatley centre is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday nights and is open to young people aged between 11 and 19. The Kingfisher youth club runs every Wednesday and caters for young people aged 8 – 12. Since the dispersal order was put in place, more than 50 young people have attended the youth clubs on a weekly basis.

There is also an under-age club night planned for 11 – 16 year olds from across Doncaster at the Trinity nightclub on 25th August. The beach party night starts at 7pm and doors close at 10pm.

Peter Davies, Mayor of Doncaster, said: “Cutting anti-social behaviour is a priority for us and it’s encouraging to hear that incident numbers are still falling. Residents are telling us that this order is making a difference and we’ll continue to look at what else we can do to ensure people feel safe where they live.”

Police Sergeant John Hunter for the Wheatley Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) said: “It is really pleasing to see the dispersal order making such a difference in the area. We have seen a decrease in the number of groups of young people hanging around and residents have told me they feel safer. The SNT will continue to patrol the area and enforce the order if necessary.”

Councillor Eva Hughes, Ward Member for Wheatley, said: “We’ve worked closely with Wheatley residents to get this order put in place and it’s really pleasing to see the positive effect it’s having.”

For media enquiries contact Chris Dawson, Communications Officer, on 01302 736697

The view from the other side of St George’s Channel.

Scots and Welsh quick to distance themselves from England’s shame

An unexpected outcome of the riots which took place in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Huddersfield, Nottingham, Leicester, Gloucester and the Medway last week was the revival of the concept of “England”.

When some commentators referred to the “riots which broke out in Britain”, the Scots and the Welsh were very quick to point out: “No, not Britain. England.”

Quite so. There were no such disturbances in Scotland or Wales. Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales.

There were no such disturbances in Northern Ireland (much less the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands): the United Kingdom comprises Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the other islands under the writ of the crown.

All the trouble happened in England. The riotous week is now referred to as “the burning of England”, or “land of loot and burning”.

In London, some commentators took to referring to the rioters as “Englishmen”. One commentator, advocating tough policing, said that in Northern Ireland the police were known to use robust methods of crowd control. “If we don’t mollycoddle Irishmen, why should we mollycoddle Englishmen?”

It is interesting that it has taken this distressing and sometimes shameful series of events to restore the concept of “England” — a concept that had been buried, for many decades now, under the wider description of “Britain” or “The UK”.

It’s funny, because until The Troubles in Northern Ireland during the 1970s and 80s, Irish nationalists traditionally spoke about “England” as the hereditary oppressor — rather than Britain. All Michael Collins’s writings about the national struggle refer to “England”. So do all Patrick Pearse’s. So do Yeats’s — in his celebrated and rousing poem, ‘Easter 1916’, he wrote that line, “For England may keep faith/After all that’s been done and said”.

But from the 1970s, and perhaps even before, England became “the Brits”. As Welsh and Scottish regiments were very much part of the Crown forces, perhaps that was accurate.

Yet it was all linked to a wider agenda in which “England” had been subsumed into “Britain” and “the United Kingdom”. Partly this arose because Scots who were nationalists — but also, paradoxically, unionists — wanted to be included in “Britain”, but did not want to be included in “England” (as the French would refer to the British in general as “Les Anglais”).

Meanwhile, airport schedules referred to the whole realm as the “United Kingdom”. Scroll down the booking system of an airline for “country of origin” and the United Kingdom pops up just before the United States, (and just after the United Arab Emirates).

Thus “the UK” came into common parlance, and hardly anyone spoke about “England” any more, except in the context of tourism. Even then, it was minimalist. Crossing into Wales, there are huge signs, in Welsh and English, telling travellers they are welcome to Wales (‘CROESO I CYMRU’); cross back the other way, and there is just a little apologetic signpost somewhere along the road bearing the information that you are now in Shropshire.

England, having been the dominant nation in what was once the four nations in the Union of Great Britain and Ireland, in recent years became the most invisible one. Especially as the Scots and the Welsh followed the examples of Irish nationalists and affirmed their identity. But you can never suppress what is inherent in any culture, and “England” began to reassert herself in a number of ways.

First came the cross of St George, often hoisted at football matches. A perfectly nice group representing English Heritage emerged and then a rather nasty one called the English Defence League followed.

As Scotland got its own parliament, there were English protests about “the West Lothian question”: it was unfair that Scottish Members of Parliament could vote on English matters at Westminster, while English MPs could not vote on Scottish matters in Edinburgh.

And then came the riots which, the Celtic nations were insistently pointing out, were confined to England — which indeed they were.

There are social problems in England which are different from those in Scotland and Wales. Scotland has a better education system (although a more serious national problem with alcohol, and with sectarianism too); Welsh society is more family-based and with greater community cohesion based on language and religious ties, and it has not had to absorb so many migrants.

So England has re-emerged as a separate concept. It’s just rather sad that it has taken this week of civil disorder — and loss of life — to make that point.

Britain, and the United Kingdom, are political, or passport, definitions. England, Scotland and Wales are cultural and even national distinctions, and it is right that they should be seen separately. Poetry and rhetoric, too, have always favoured cultural identity, rather than political entities: Browning didn’t write, “Oh, to be in Britain, now that April’s there” and Nelson didn’t say, “Britain expects that every man this day will do his duty”.

And there is one consolation for the men and women of the English nation this week: the triumphal performance of “England” in its cricket game against India.

Mary Kenny – Irish Independent

Sign the English Parliament E-petition!

There is now open one of the government’s new E-petitions:- “Creation of an English Parliament”; which has been registered with the Cabinet Office site by my old colleague Andrew Constantine.

Although if we get 100,000 signatures it will only trigger a debate in that House of opposition to an English Partliament (the Commons), it will nevertheless help to publicise our Cause and also to force our opponents to show their hand.

The link to sign is here >>>