Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen and fellow English Democrats. Welcome to our AGM and Conference and welcome to St Albans.
I usually like to start my speeches with a joke. So as it is a political speech let’s start with the shortest joke in politics today – Nick Clegg!
Ladies and gentlemen just listen to this from one of his speeches in 2002:-
“The euro has done more to enforce budgetary discipline in the rest of Europe than any number of exhortations from the IMF or the OECD. If we remain outside the euro, we will simply continue to subside into a position of relative poverty and inefficiency compared to our more prosperous European neighbours.”
Ladies and gentlemen In August 2002 about 30 English Nationalists met at Imperial College to formally launch the English Democrats. Now here we are, the product of that meeting, gathered together in 2012. Now, even on paper, we are almost the only English nationalist party, but in reality we are by far and away the most substantial one. Now we have over 3,000 members. Now we have increasing activism across England. Now we are standing regularly in elections and we are doing increasingly well with several successful elections under our belt, not only for district or borough councillors, but also for our most high profile election success to date, our Mayor of Doncaster, Peter Davies! Peter couldn’t be here with us today but he has invited us to go to Doncaster for our Spring Conference.
Ladies and gentlemen in Doncaster this year we thrashed the local Labour Party in a Mayoral referendum which they had forced upon the people of Doncaster out of petty spite against Peter. This is because Peter has made a great success of being Mayor of Doncaster and he will be standing again for us, next May, for re-election. We will be holding a pre-election rally on the 27th October for South Yorkshire and will be focussing on gearing up, in particular, for Peter’s Doncaster Mayoral election.
Ladies and gentlemen, as I say, as we gather here today, we are not only the leading English nationalist party, but we either are already or shortly will be the leading nationalist party in England, as we are poised to overtake the British National Party as well as all other English nationalist parties. The other British Nationalist parties are tiny – with even the largest one having only a few hundred members.
In terms of the challenges before us in the coming year, we have the Police Commissioner elections in November and a parliamentary by-election in Corby. We will be holding a day of action and rally in Corby on the 13th October and a rally in Kent on the 10thNovember just before the Police Commissioner elections. We will also be holding our National Christmas dinner in the Army and Navy Club, Pall Mall on the 8thDecember. Please put these dates in your diary.
So ladies and gentlemen we are a Party that is going places and getting active, getting organised, making progress and building up. Did you like the ‘England Awake!’ Magazine?
Ladies and gentlemen what are we building up to? Well the answer to that ladies and gentlemen is that we are building up, not only to the County Council elections next year, but the EU elections which are in 2014 and which will take place in the run up to the Scottish Independence referendum. There could be no better timing for us. That will be the very time when the English people will most want a political voice for our nation – and we are that voice!
Ladies and gentlemen our aim is to be the voice of all reasonable, moderate, sensible patriots in England; of all those that care for England; of all those that want common-sense policies in England; of all those that want politicians elected who care for the whole of their communities and who will not allow political correctness to cloud their judgment as to what is best for all the people of our great country.
Never forget that our country, England, is not only arguably the oldest nation state on earth, united as we were in 927 AD, but our country is also the originator of so much that makes up the modern world, from the Industrial Revolution to cricket, from the Rule of Law and Common Law to Parliamentary democracy, from constitutional monarchy to the rules of tennis, from banking to the greatest world empire, from the idea of pure bred domesticated animals to the English language that English is a language with over one million words and growing! Far more words than any other language ever. It is the only language in which you could say: “A man fell into an upholstery machine but now he is fully recovered” and laugh.
I could go on for a long time about the achievements of our nation, our English nation, but I am sure you wouldn’t thank me if I did so. Suffice to say that I am told that there really is a single College at Cambridge University whose Professors and Fellows have won more Nobel prizes than France!
Butladies and gentlemen this is no time to be complacent or self-congratulatory about all this, England is in danger and when I say England I mean “the very idea of England itself”, as Charles Kennedy enthused in 1999 before a group of Liberal Democrats in Dunfermline, when he thought regionalisation was calling into question the idea of England itself and would be the means to break us up forever! Ladies and gentlemen what do we say to that Liberal Democrat aim?
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, England itself is in danger. The very idea of England itself is in danger from Westminster and EU politicians determined to split us up into Regions.
The very idea of England itself is in danger from an EU determined to take as much money out of England as possible to distribute to other parts of the EU, like Greece and Italy. That figure is currently £19.2 billion per year and set to rise. Yes, the very idea of England itself is in danger from people like David Cameron who says that because “I am a Cameron and there is quite a lot of Scottish blood flowing in these veins”, that it is okay to use £32 billion per year of English taxpayers’ money to subsidise Scotland!
Yes the very idea of England itself is in danger because of the careerist multi-culturalists who want to break up and partition the various communities of our nation into politically manipulable communities that will enable these people to advance their careers upon the backs of those communities.
Yes, the very idea of England itself is in danger from an Establishment which literally wishes to swamp our culture with unrestricted immigration so that England can never again be the rock which Karl Marx complained wrecked all the revolutions of Europe.
Ladies and gentlemen make no bones about it, we have a real fight on our hands. A fight against an Establishment for which the political battle is little more than a Punch and Judy show. Just think about a Punch and Judy show for a moment ladies and gentlemen. If you have ever watched one you know that there is a seemingly vicious fight on the stage. All the eyes and attention of the children and of the public are upon the stage. But what is really there behind the stage? Yes ladies and gentlemen, one person, one puppet master. In the Punch and Judy show of British Politics, there is one Establishment, one British political and media Establishment.
Why does this matter? Well not only because our struggle is to get the sleeping giant of the English Nation to wake up and stop dreaming that the Punch and Judy show is real, that is finally to stop dreaming that British Establishment politicians really care anything for England. Our Nation needs to be told that. They don’t care anything for England! Anything positive that is! Just listen to a few expressions of how the British political Establishment think about England.
Labour’s – Jack Straw
“The English are potentially very aggressive, very violent”
“The English are potentially very aggressive, very violent”
John Prescott – “There is no such nationality as English”
Labour’s – Gordon Brown always talked about
“the Nations & Regions of Britain” [Note Scotland, Wales & N Irleand are Nations – England is only a collection of Regions !]
Conservative & Unionist – Dave Donald Cameron
“I’ll take on the sour Little Englanders, I’ll fight them all the way”.
Conservative & Unionist William Hague
“English Nationalism is the most dangerous of all forms of nationalism”.
After listening to that, you will know, as I do, that the British political Establishment’s only thoughts about England is that they despise her. They despise her people for their gullibility just like any conman would, having found a gullible and rich person. You don’t need me, ladies and gentlemen, to tell you what will be left for the gullible rich person when the conman leaves chuckling to himself! Chuckling with contempt at the person he has just ruined!
Ladies and gentlemen, the mission of our Party and our Cause and the English Movement generally is to wake up the people of England before it is absolutely too late. We, who are awake, know that it is already very nearly too late. So our mission ladies and gentlemen is not only an important mission but it is an urgentmission and we as a Party need to conduct ourselves knowing the urgency of that mission, however befuddled and stupidly sleepy the People of England are that we are trying to save from the consequences of their own lethargy and folly.
That ladies and gentlemen is why we are getting organised. That ladies and gentlemen is why we stand in elections. That ladies and gentlemen is our purpose and with your help and with the help of all our Party members, past, present and future, that ladies and gentlemen has been and will be our mission – until we achieve our aim.
Our aim, in Churchill’s words is: “Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.” Churchill also gives us a guide to the means to achieve victory: “Blood, toil, tears and sweat”!
But, ladies and gentlemen, it will all be worth it – Shakespeare says it for all English Nationalists:- “Come the three corners of the world in arms. And we shall shock them. Nought shall make us rue. If England to itself do rest but true”.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen.