England’s demography discussed

A few days ago I wrote a blog article on the first official statistics from the 2011 Census shoing a huge rise in English ‘National Identity’. Here is a link >>> http://robintilbrook.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/national-identity-in-england-analysed.html
One interesting reflection on the bias of the British ‘national’ media has been its total silence on these very striking statistics. Here is a response form the academic Left. What do you think?

London and the English

Eric Kaufmann

Professor of Politics at Birkbeck, University of London, and author (website >>> http://www.sneps.net/publications)

Here is a link to the original article on Mehdi Hassan’s Huffington Post:- http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/eric-kaufmann/london-and-the-english_b_2472480.html