Category Archives: theresa may



Sometimes there is justice in the world! 

Theresa May, the Remainer politician, who has, like most of the Tories in Parliament made out throughout most of her political career that she is a Eurosceptic, but she was revealed, when the EU referendum came, to be the untruthful Remainer that we always suspected that she was really! 

Theresa also makes out that, as a Church of England vicar’s daughter, she is a practicing Christian, whilst in fact she was the prime driver behind “gay marriage”. 

As Prime Minister Theresa rushed to welcome Trump when he was inaugurated as President, despite her private office having been very partisan against him in the Republican primaries and also in supporting Hilary Clinton in the actual election for the US presidency.

This, of course, is the very same Theresa May who has had the temerity to lecture Donald Trump on what he should tweet about Islamist threats!

(It is an interesting reflection on the great value of the American constitutional guarantee of the right to “Free Speech” that Ann Coulter and Trump and indeed any other Americans are free to re-tweet the videos or to make comments like Jayda Fransen has made, However because Miss Fransen has made those remarks within the UK she is being prosecuted for hate speech. How ironical that old phrase from Rule Britannia, “Briton’s never, never will be slaves” is now becoming!)

Well Theresa has been well and truly bitten now hasn’t she with Donald Trump’s response?

Theresa and some of her fellow Conservative MPs exposed themselves in their knee-jerk responses to be unpatriotic appeasers. Many of the same were exposed as “Brexit Mutineers” by the Daily Telegraph just a few weeks ago. Now here they are again standing shoulder to shoulder with Emily Thornberry, Yvette Cooper and Sadiq Khan. All of whom are yet again showing that they are more attached to multi-culturalism and Islamist appeasement than they are to acting in the best interests of our country – which is clearly to have the best possible relationship with the Government of the United States!

I doubt whether it is irrelevant that this spat took place at the very time when Theresa May and her Government are in the process of betraying the interests of the country over Brexit in offering to pay £50 billion of English Taxpayers’ money to the EU simply for the privilege of being allowed to engage in trade negotiations, with no real prospect of those trade negotiations actually resulting in any trade agreement, let alone one which is advantageous to our Nation!

These people are not only hopelessly incompetent, but also are unpatriotic even to the UK.

Of course it goes without saying that they also all hate the very idea of England and of the English Nation!


Two weeks ago the Foreign Minister of the Irish Republic made the entirely credible threat that, if the Irish Government didn’t get what they wanted in keeping an open border with Northern Ireland, then they would veto any proposed EU trade agreement with the United Kingdom. 
The reason that such a threat is entirely credible is that for any EU trade agreement to be ratified it has to go through the process of ratification, not only by the EU institutions, but also by all 27 remaining Member States of the EU. 
This is part of the reason why the EU has been so very slow over the years at entering into trade agreements.  In the case of the trade agreement with Canada, the vast majority of terms were agreed relatively quickly, but the ratification was then held up for years because the Belgium Walloons were being difficult about an obscure point and until they agreed the Belgium state could not ratify the agreement. 
We may also have difficulty with the Walloons, who are, of course, notorious about being difficult about almost everything.  There has also been a direct threat from Spain of vetoing any EU trade agreement with the EU unless they get what they want over Gibraltar. 
Then in terms of troubles ahead there is the problem that Germany is currently politically rudderless. Angela Merkel, the Chancellor for so many years is no doubt focussing all her efforts on internal political considerations (and her own future!) rather than thinking about issues relating to Brexit!
As things stand under Article 50 we are out of the EU in March 2019.  That is just 16 months away!
Even if we were already agreed on almost every aspect of the trade agreement negotiations that would be an almost impossibly short period to succeed in getting all the EU institutions and also all the Member States to all ratify the agreement. 
As it is, we haven’t even begun the trade negotiations because of the EU’s approach to negotiation – that the divorce package must be agreed before any trade negotiations can begin.  This negotiating approach was always intended to minimise the British Government’s negotiating position. 
The EU will be left desperately short of money as a result of us, one of its major cash cows, leaving the EU which is why they are trying to get us to agree to pay a vast ransom before they will even agree to discuss any trade deal, so that we cannot use our financial position to extract any concessions from them.
In addition to our financial position our Government’s negotiating team throughout that the question of the EU migrants who are here would be helpful.  In many cases they are sending back to their home countries a significant proportion of what they are earning, plus child benefit and other remittances which help keep their home countries financially afloat. 
Our negotiating team also thought that it would help us that our security services are more effective and sophisticated than most of the rest of the 27. 
All of these issues seemed to give potentially strong negotiating positions.  That is why all of which points the EUs current negotiating stance is intended to strip away from us!
When you couple all of this with the relative weakness and incoherence of Mrs May’s Remainer dominated Government – it has never looked very likely that she was going to be able to deliver a good deal on trading terms between us and the EU countries!
If the Irish deliver on their threat it would be politically impossible (not to mention – politically suicidal!) for any British Government to negotiate away the integrity of the United Kingdom, let alone a Conservative and Unionist Prime Minister whose very Party, as it currently stands, was formed on the question of Ireland in 1922 when Conservative and Unionist MPs came together in the original 1922 Committee to vote to withdraw from Lloyd George’s National Coalition over the question of Ireland. 
There is also the electoral dynamic in the House of Commons which requires the support of Arlene Foster’s Democratic Unionist Party who would not agree to what Ireland is asking for anyway.  So Mrs May’s Government has even less ability to agree what Ireland is demanding than any other British Government would be able to!
So it would appear that no deal is really the most likely outcome. 
If Mrs May’s Government are really sensible it would be currently planning for that and certainly not parting with any English Taxpayers’ money to buy the possibility of having trade negotiations, when those trade negotiations are clearly going to go nowhere in the long run.
Brexit, membership of the EU and properly implementing the referendum decision combine in a cluster of issues which are very important to a lot of people.  They are perhaps more important than traditional party loyalties. They also cut across the line of the political spectrum represented by the Post War two party system British Establishment Parties. 
Therefore we have a real prospect that the Remainiac manoeuvres that we see going on in Parliament may lead to a smash for the Establishment. That means that there is to a real prospect on re-alignment of the political spectrum, hopefully more in accordance in delivering what ordinary people really want out of politics.  In my view, that is patriotism; coupled with welfare for our people; control on immigration; coupled with higher wages for our people; support for traditional values; an end to political correctness; integration not multi-culturalism; a land in which there is room for difference and innovation; self-improvement without the dead weight of bureaucratic “Equality and Diversity” quotas.  In short an England that would truly make you proud to be English!
As against that majority view we do, on one end of the spectrum, have perhaps no more than 25,000 corporate globalists supporting the Tory Party, but they are armed with vast resources and control of big business and much of the print media.  On the other end there are certainly no more than 600,000 internationalist, socialist, statists supporting Labour again armed with influence in the state hierarchy, academia , teaching, Social work and in the media – especially the BBC.



Catalonia is now amongst the leading nations on Earth in demanding National Sovereignty, National Independence and National Liberty and has done so in the face of outrageous bullying by the Spanish Government and by the EU.

On Sunday, 22nd October the Spanish Foreign Minister, Snr Alfonso Dastis, in his interview with Andrew Marr on the BBC’s flagship current affairs programme, The Andrew Marr Show described the Catalan Government as:- “A group of rebels trying to impose their own arbitrariness onto the People of Catalonia.” And he also said that the outrageous behaviour of the Spanish Police was a “provoked use of force”.

The language spoken about “rebels” must not only have been carefully thought out as it came out of the mouth of the Spanish Foreign Minister who would have been thoroughly briefed by his officials as well as worked with English language interpreters to ensure what he said was exactly what the Madrid Government thinks. For a Senior Spanish Government Minister to use the word “rebels” is therefore highly significant.

From a psychological point of view that is in the same area of words in our language as “civil war”, “guerrillas” etc. It thus portrays a very senior Spanish Minster, and therefore the Madrid Government, generally to be thinking in terms of civil war.

Last time such language was used about the Catalonian nationalists it was from the mouth of Francisco Franco, later to become the Spanish Dictator, el Caudillo.

In short it seems evident that the Spanish Government is gearing up to the point where they will not only send in the Guardia Civil but also the Army. Once the Spanish Army is sent in you can be sure that the consequences will be Civil War. It is hard to imagine the Spanish Army coping with the degree of provocation they are certain to get from the Catalonian nationalists without opening fire.

This is the same army that when my father was the Defence Attaché in Madrid that one of its officers shot dead a conscript soldier on parade whilst inspecting his troops guns because he found that this soldier’s gun wasn’t clean enough. The response of the Spanish Military was to back the officer as being within his rights! You can imagine how that kind of attitude is going to play out on the streets of Barcelona!

The leadership of the EU has already disgraced itself by supporting the Spanish Government in sending in the Guardia Civil to beat up large numbers of citizens trying to vote in the Catalonian Independence Referendum. The EU yet again showed that it is bizarre for any genuine nationalist to support membership of the EU – take note Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party!

So far as Catalans are concerned this is particularly a stark betrayal because it is the EU Regionalisation policy which has been busy ever since the Maastricht Treaty trying to create the demand for separatism in the “Regions” of all the bigger states of Europe, including of course Spain.

I expect that most Catalonian nationalists probably originally thought that the EU would support them. If so how misguided they were!

But also how misguided is so much of the multi-culturalist agenda of the EU which is partly responsible for the regionalisation agenda.

Also the UK Government under its inept Remainist Leader has turned its back on the Catalans demonstrating that Theresa May hasn’t really got out of her pro-EU mind-set.

Now that we have voted to come out of the EU, all our leaders should be considering the basis of our foreign policy post Brexit.

For centuries it was England’s policy to ensure that no one Power ruled over continental Europe. All the negotiations with the EU demonstrate, if demonstration was ever needed, that that policy was pure common-sense for England. We ought therefore to be encouraging all the nationalists within the EU to be breaking away, thus dissolving the EU and restoring the balance of power on the continent. 

Catalonia is now also leaving the EU as well as Spain and should be welcomed with open arms by any of our leaders who have any strategic vision or understanding!



The Conservative Home Secretary declared:-

“I am going to curtail alien immigration and deport undesirables; we do not want to flood England with the alien refuse of the world. I regard aliens who live in their own communities, marry within them, and speak their own language, as unsuitable to be British residents.”.

You might think that was a startling change from the usual mealy mouthed multi-culturalism and political correctness of our Home Secretary, but then that is a direct quotation from a predecessor of hers:- the Conservative Home Secretary, Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Bt. Conservative Home Secretary, 1924)!

Of course in those days Conservative Home Secretaries were proper Conservatives and were also patriots who would be revolted by the current Home Secretary’s unpatriotic support for foreigners ruling over us through the EU!

Sir William Joynson-Hicks would also undoubtedly be revolted by the current Government’s recent announcements about the racial divide to which you can find here >>> Prime Minister orders government audit to tackle racial disparities in public service outcomes – GOV.UK

This has been done with the intention, no doubt, of enforcing yet more vigorously the failing UK State policy of multi-culturalism.

Our inept Prime Minister claims to be a Conservative. This is however the woman who told the House of Commons on its introduction by Labour’s Harriet Harman, that she welcomed the Equality Act but thought that bad thing about the Equality Act is that it didn’t go further!

Mrs May said:- “The Government I lead will stand up for you and your family against injustice and inequality. Today I am launching an audit to look into racial disparities in our public services that stretches right across government. This audit will reveal difficult truths, but we should not be apologetic about shining a light on injustices as never before.”

Such is the lack of “joined up thinking” within her Government that Theresa May and her Community’s Minister, Savid Javid may have missed the fact that they have destroyed the oft repeated multi-culturalist claim that “mass immigration boosts the economy”.

What her Government has released now is incontrovertable evidence that, far from boosting the economy, mass immigration has given rise to a vast additional swathe of claimants on our benefits system which the rest of us are required to work to pay for.

As a result of these claims all our benefits from the welfare system including the right to claim a pension must be reduced to free the necessary reserves of money to pay for indigent immigrants!

Are you happy about this?



I saw this question asked on Twitter recently in response to her latest outburst of what would be complete nonsense for any genuine Conservative to say about President Donald Trump finding “equivalence” between alleged fascists and the counter-protesters in Charlottesville.

Speaking with NBC Theresa May blasted Trump saying:- “I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them”.

She went on to say:- “ It is important for all those in positions of responsibility to condemn far-right views wherever we hear them”.

The latter is of course an indication of her own politics, but the former is a dubious point especially when considered in the context of the Charlottesville riots.

Also her further remarks to the BBC were equally dubious. Mr Trump had merely said in his press conference on the previous Tuesday that there was “blame on both sides”. “You had a group on one side that was bad”, he said. “You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now”.

Mrs May also went on to tell the BBC:- “As I made clear at the weekend following the horrendous scenes that we saw in Charlottesville, I absolutely abhor the racism, the hatred and the violence that we have seen portrayed by these groups.”

“The United Kingdom has taken action to ban far-right groups here, we have proscribed certain far-right groups here in the United Kingdom.”

And she repeated:- “there is no equivalence.”

Here is the link to the article>>> Theresa May on Trump comments: Far-right should always be condemned – BBC News

In effect, Mrs Theresa May, the Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was using her office to say that Fascists, Nazis, White Supremacists etc., should have no rights.

In fact many of the protesters were there to prevent the destruction of a memorial to the Confederate side of the Civil War.

Furthermore many ordinary white anomalies feel that they have been increasingly pushed into self-identification as “whites” by the increasingly vociferous “community” groups, such as “Black Lives Matter”. A very good article appears about this in the Spectator which I set out below.

It is usually dangerous for a foreign politician to hold forth in the way that Theresa May has about what is going on in America. Of course she doesn’t know and cannot know all the details of what actually happened, but the idea that the “White” protestors are automatically in the wrong and that the “anti-fascist” protestors are automatically in the right is simply bizarre.

Is she really saying that Fascism and Nazism is automatically worse than Communism when history tells us that the Communists have killed vastly more people than the Fascists and Nazis did?

Is she really saying that there is “no moral equivalence” because the killing of the victims of Communism as “class enemies” is more understandable than the “racial” victims of Nazism?

I once heard a BBC broadcast interview of the former student Far-Leftist radical, Tariq Ali. He was saying why he thought that Stalin’s 55 million dead didn’t make Stalin worse than Hitler with his 6 million dead because Stalin’s killings were about class not race! Is Mrs May now lining herself up with the Far-Left?

If Theresa May is saying that Communist mass murderers have no “moral equivalence” to Fascist ones then I would suggest that what this shows unequivocally is that she is not a “Conservative” in any meaningful sense.

In considering whether Theresa May is a “Conservative” it is worth bearing in mind that she was the principal architect behind the push for gay marriage; also that when she was Shadow Home Secretary and the then Home Secretary, Harriet Harman (aka Hattie Harperson), introduced her Equalities Bill, having said that her Bill was “socialism in a single bill”, Mrs May responded in the House of Commons that she on behalf of the Conservatives welcomed the Bill. Theresa May said that she only regretted that it didn’t go far enough!

I am not sure whether all of this makes her the worse Prime Minister ever, but it certainly does add grist to the point which I made when she first emerged as the Conservative Leader, that I thought that she was likely to be the Conservatives equivalent of Gordon Brown. 

Here is a link to my speech saying that >>> Robin Tilbrook: CHAIRMAN’S SPEECH AT THE ENGLISH DEMOCRATS CONFERENCE 17TH SEPTEMBER 2016

I think her latest comments show that she is going to prove to be worse than Gordon Brown, not only on her track record of action, but also on her cack-handed attitude to dealing with foreign affairs.

When she was Home Secretary she was intimately involved in welcoming various foreign leaders from the Chinese President downwards with far more questionable “moral equivalence” than Mr Trump!

Of course it may be that Theresa May thinks they didn’t matter because they weren’t Westerners and therefore their repressive states don’t challenge her Blairite Left-Liberal world view!

The whole determination by multi-culturalists to destroy statues of historic figures which the protesters were trying to prevent in Chalottesville is intended to wipe away any of the monuments to our history. This is not only a phenomenon in America (where they are even now talking about trying to get rid of statues of George Washington because he owned slaves!). It has happened here also.

Remember when an ungrateful South African student, who had been sent to Oxford on the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship repaid his benefactor by trying to have Rhodes’ statue removed from Oriel College! No doubt Cecil Rhodes remark that “to be born an Englishman was to have won the lottery of life” was too unbearable to multi-culturalists to allow his statue to remain, however great his charitable giving!

I suspect that, given the chance Theresa May would prove just as much of a failure at genuine conservatism over such a statue here in England as she has been in her comments!

Here is the article from the Spectator by Brendan O’Neill, which I think puts all these points about ‘moral equivalence’ into a sensible context. 

What do you think?

The violent product of identity politics

“Identity politics is turning violent. It’s been brewing for a while. Anyone who’s witnessed mobs of students threatening to silence white men or Islamists gruffly invading the space of secular women who diss their dogmas will know that, as with all forms of communalism, identity politics has a menacing streak. And at the weekend, in Charlottesville, Virginia, it blew up. That ugly clash between blood-and-soil while nationalists and people crying ‘black lives matter’ is the logical outcome of the identitarian scourge, of the relentless racialisation of public life.

Charlottesville was both shocking and unsurprising. It was shocking because here we had actual Nazis, waving swastika flags, in 21st century America, the land of the free. That is deeply disturbing. But it is also unsurprising because in recent years, across the West, people have been invited, implored in fact, to think racially. To be ‘racially aware’. To think of themselves as belonging to a particular race, and to believe their racial make-up confers certain privileges or penalties on them – it shapes them. The young men hollering about ‘white pride’ at Charlottesville are surely responding to this racial invitation. They’re being ‘racially aware’.

To those of us who believe in racial equality, who admire Martin Luther King’s vision of a society in which character counts for more than colour, the rise of this PC and profoundly divisive racial consciousness has felt alarming. The pressure to view every aspect of life and culture through a racial lens has become intense. The academy wrings its hands over all the Dead White European Males in the canon. Student radicals claim white philosophy isn’t suited to black students. The idea of ‘racial microaggressions’ invites us to view even everyday conversation as loaded with racial tension. Leftists regularly claim that Brexit and Trump and other things they hate are the fault of ‘old white men’. ‘Dear White People’, say PC people before launching into a diatribe against ‘white’ behaviour. Race has become the explanation for everything, the obsession of the age.

Things have got so bad that anyone who seeks to resist racial thinking, on the humanist basis that people are individuals rather than bundles of DNA or the unwitting products of history, can expect to be rounded on. To say ‘I don’t see race’ is actually quite racist, says a writer for the Guardian. The University of California’s guide to acceptable speech – many campuses have one these days – describes statements like ‘I don’t believe in race’ and ‘There is only one race, the human race’ as ‘microaggressions’, because they fail to acknowledge the individual as a ‘racial/cultural being’ in the past, refusing to treat individuals as racial/cultural beings was a good thing. Now it’s bad. You must treat people as expressions of race. And if you don’t, you’re racist. Talk about doublespeak.

This is the foul nature of identity politics. It defines people, not by their achievements or beliefs, not by their character or work, but by their skin colour, their genitals, their sexuality. By their inherited traits rather than things they’ve done through the exercise of their own autonomy. ‘As a black woman’, ‘As a white man’, ‘As a mixed-race genderqueer’… these are the baleful prefaces to speech and debate in the 21st century, because what matters most is not what a person believes in but what shade their skin is or what chromosomes they possess. Biology trumps belief: a full and foul reversal of the modern, enlightened idea that the individual can escape the circumstances of his birth and determine his destiny for himself.

And as part of this truly nasty business, we have witnessed the rise of white identity. Some people have an apparently ‘correct’ white identity: they check their white privilege, they go on demos with placards saying ‘I was going to write my opinion, but it’s probably about time white men just shut up and listened’. White shame. And others, like those gurning torch-carriers at Charlottesville, have a bad white identity: they love being white, they think it’s better than being black, they flirt with Nazi ideology. White pride. But these seemingly opposed whites share something very important in common: they’ve embraced racial identity. They define themselves as white. They have responded to the cry of the identitarian and made themselves into racial creatures. And both sides bristle with menace, as can be seen in the contorted faces of the ‘bad whites’ in the all-right and in those ‘good whites’ who yesterday pulled down the Confederate Soldiers statue in North Carolina and then kicked and spat on it.

Those whites at Charlottesville look to me the ugly products of identity politics, of the elevation of trait over conviction, nature over character. Popular culture and the mainstream media say over and over again, ‘You are white, you are a white man, that is your identity, that is your privilege, admit it and own it’, and those men have simply turned around and said: ‘Okay’. A serious problem in this millennium perhaps the biggest problem, is the retreat from universalism, the surrender of the racial imagination. It has green-lighted a neo-racialism without realising how lethal this is. Anyone who thinks they can racialize public life without creating tension and storing up violence is clearly unfamiliar with history.

(Here is a link to the original>>>


The current level of Barnet Formula style annual block grant from the English taxpayer to Northern Ireland is standing at £10.4 billion per year.  That is somewhat more than the total net subscription/subsidy to the European Union that so much of the argument during the European Referendum campaign was about! 
That adds up to a subsidy to every man, woman and child in Northern Ireland of £5,437 more public money than they will averagely have paid in taxes being paid to the population of Northern Ireland which is as per the 2011 Census, £1,810,863 (£1.8m).   This means that, as set out in the House of Commons Briefing Paper number 04033, published on the 8th March 2015, whereas the average Government spend per head in England was £8,638 in Northern Ireland it was £11,106. 
Dominic Lawson, the son of Mrs Thatcher’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, Nigel Lawson, and who is a former Editor of the Sunday Telegraph, wrote in the Sunday Times on June 18th (see below) that “there are no more successful shakers of the magic money tree than Northern Ireland’s politicians”.  The question is how successful will the DUP be in shaking the English magic money tree? (or as I would rather put it picking English pockets!).
I seen reported rumours of an extra 1.4 Billion or an extra £2.5 billion and have even heard a rumour, which like all such rumours of course is un-attributable and unverifiable, that the demand may even be an extra billion for every one of the ten DUP votes in the House of Commons.  If the latter is true, that would of course then lead to a doubling of the figures which I gave above, with over £10,000 of English Taxpayers’ money being spent on average for every man, woman and child in Northern Ireland!
In the past we in the English nationalist Cause have tended to compare our country’s treatment with that of Scotland.  This is partly because of the success of the SNP in highlighting the independence issue for Scotland and thereby successfully blackmailing the British Political Establishment to try to buy Scottish votes for the Union.  This latest development will of course not be generally about buying Northern Irish votes for the Union, but specifically buying the votes of the 10 DUP MPs in the House of Commons.
It will be interesting to see whether English People do begin to realise that they are being taken for fools with perhaps by as much as £20 billion of cuts on English hospitals, schools, roads, students etc., because of the fact that that money has been spent in Northern Ireland.
As mentioned above Dominic Lawson wrote in an article on June 18 2017, 12:01am, in The Sunday Times
“We are all being DUPed into a merry splurge”
In the article he writes:- “The DUP is socially conservative — reflecting the communities it represents — but in other respects it is to the left of the party May leads. Or, perhaps more accurately, it is populist. Its manifesto opposed the Conservative policy of removing the pensions triple lock and introducing means-testing for the winter fuel allowance. At the same time it advocated that the province be exempted from the BBC licence fee and air passenger duty. Its determination on this last point is apparently what’s holding up the deal: the chancellor, Philip Hammond, is understandably reluctant.
You get the picture. There are no more successful shakers of the magic money tree than Northern Ireland’s politicians. Figures released by the Office for National Statistics last month showed that while Scotland consumed £2,824 more in public expenditure per capita than it raised in taxes — a source of irritation to the English — the average inhabitant of Northern Ireland consumed £5,437 more public money than they paid in taxes. There has been a payment from London to Ulster of about £10bn in each of the past three years, slightly more than the UK as a whole has been paying — net — to the EU.
Obviously, the latter is to foreign countries, while the colossal transfers across the Irish Sea are to poorer fellow countrymen and women, with all the demands of solidarity that status entails. But it is quite a racket. To give just one example: if a legal chambers in London gets a call from Northern Ireland, the clerk will take it with a song in his heart. While legal aid in England has suffered drastic changes in allowable charges, in Ulster legal aid is, as one practitioner put it to me cheerfully, “still the same old gravy train”.
In England legal aid was one of the non-ring-fenced areas of spending that most felt the effects of what David Cameron and George Osborne offered as the solution to a national credit card maxed out by Gordon Brown: “austerity”, they called it, and the word stuck.”


Amongst all the Tory angst and delusional crowing from the Labour side, as well as the fall out for the Liberal Democrats there has been very few reports about the English Democrats’ results. 
Before getting on to those I would just like to point out that, although Theresa May made many mistakes in both the calling and the conduct of the General Election, the sheer numbers of people voting Conservative did actually go up quite significantly. 
The Labour vote went up by slightly more, but the results aren’t a product of their increase in the vote, they are a product of more effective targeting by Labour than by the Conservatives. 
In particular Mrs May made the mistake of calling the General Election whilst it was still during the Universities’ term time and therefore lost several seats by small margins because of the student vote.  It also appears that some Labour student voters voted twice from some of the more idiotic boasting on social media!  I shall be drawing that to the attention of the police and of the Electoral Commission. 
Despite having somewhat increased their seats the Liberal Democrat Leader was forced out as a result of a coup within the Liberal Democrats.  This appears to have been orchestrated by Brian Paddick, whose only known achievement is to have been a senior policeman promoted, so far as one can tell, mainly because of him being gay, rather than because of any merit of his as an effective police officer. 
Tim Farron has expressly confirmed that it is no longer possible to be a Liberal Democrat and a genuine practicing orthodox Christian, let alone a scripturally based Evangelical Christian. As I have said in a previous blog, our politically correct British political Establishment has now decided that it is a breach of “fundamental British values” (sic!) to believe as Christ states in the New Testament:- “I am the way, the truth and the life:  no man cometh unto the Father but by me” (John 14.6). 
So far as UKIP is concerned, they have, of course, not only failed to win any seats but also lost the one seat that they had actually won in Clacton. They also lost almost all of their deposits. A result made worse by their leadership’s decision to stand 377 candidates instead of the 106 which would have been all that would have been required in order to qualify them to get all the publicity that they did in fact get during the election. 
So far as the English Democrats are concerned, we were not prepared for the election and, indeed, had spent all that was available on our standing in the local and Mayoral elections and so were only able to put up 7 candidates with the short notice given.  Most of our candidates did not distribute any leaflets, but in any case the issue, as we now know over many years’ experience, is not so much getting a single leaflet out, but much more importantly having the manpower resources to knock on doors, to have got data on our potential supporters already collected and to be allowed to do further leafleting of all potential supporters to make sure that they did actually turn out and vote. 
As our results show we are nowhere near achieving that yet. 
We do however fully intend to be at the position where we can win some seats at the next General Election. 
That is the aim which I am setting the English Democrats and we will be working towards achieving that and hope to be successful in doing it, provided of course that the next General Election isn’t called on another sudden whim by whomsoever happens to be the then Leader of the Conservative Party!
Here are our election results:-
North East Cambridgeshire – Stephen Goldspink – 293
Barnsley East – Kevin Riddiough – 287
Barnsley Central – Stephen Morris – 211
Holborn & St Pancras – Janus Polenceus – 93
Clacton – Robin Tilbrook – 289
Bradford South – Therese Hirst – 377
Doncaster North – David Allen – 363
I would also like to say thank you very much to our candidates for standing in the General Election and for keeping the flame of English nationalism burning. 
To quote the English theologian and historian, Thomas Fuller, in his religious travelogue ‘A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine And The Confines Thereof’ of 1650:-
“It is always darkest just before the Day dawneth”!



What a difference two months make in the new weak and wobbly British political landscape!

Two months ago we had the usual county council local elections occurring with some of George Osborne’s new “Metro” mayoral elections. Theresa May and the Government was regularly reassuring people that there was not going to be any General Election until 2020.

We are told that Theresa May then, on a walking holiday with her husband in Wales, decided that she was going to call a General Election.

Certainly in terms of the strategic and logistical background it does generally seem to have been an ill-considered and whimsical decision. One thing that we do know about May is that she does not consult widely. She only talks candidly to an inner circle of loyalists who are said to number no more than eight, including her husband and Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill West.

It has been leaked that nobody in the Cabinet was consulted about the decision and they were simply presented with a fait accompli that the decision had been made and that they were going for it. The same appears to be true about the disastrous manifesto and her further poor decision not to take part in any head-on TV debates with Corbyn.

The result is that her reputation has gone from Machiavellian Mastermind to Blithering Blunderer within the space of a few weeks!

Jeremy Corbyn on the other hand, to listen to journalist reports, has gone from Unelectable Loony Lefty to Populist Pied Piper in the same period!

Ignoring the hype what can sensibly be identified as the elements of May’s poor decision-making!

Politicians often think that they are the masters of electional planning. It is however true that whilst they have a lot of experience of the tactics of electioneering, they may not be the best judges of strategy and what needs to be considered at a strategic level.

Two startling examples of Mrs May’s failure to think through the strategy is that, if she had merely had the election a month later, the students from the universities would have been dispersed to their homes all over the country, in many cases not having a vote registered there and the string of Conservative losses such as Canterbury, Bath, Bristol West, etc. and Nick Clegg’s loss of Sheffield Hallam would not have taken place. Those are completely explicable in terms of the student vote. The fact that issue wasn’t even considered before timetabling the election must demonstrate vividly the lack of strategic planning within her process of decision making to call the election.

Another issue which is difficult to reconcile with any suggestion that there was a strategic element in the decision-making process is that the Government only needed to wait until October 2018 before the new House of Commons boundaries would come into force. These boundaries have been calculated on current populations and are thought to make it much easier for the Conservatives to get an overall majority. For a Conservative Leader to ignore that advantage in deciding to call an election shows a staggering lack of strategic thinking.

More generally I do not think that Theresa May succeeded in persuading voters that the election was really necessary for the purpose that she claimed to be calling it, i.e. as a mandate to push through her Brexit negotiations. Her unwillingness to take part in televised debates helped to make Jeremy Corbyn look a much more effective leader than she was. Her frankly rather silly slogans didn’t help to improve her standing.

We can’t however ignore the further example of catastrophic decision-making process which led to her producing her manifesto, without proper consultation with her Cabinet colleagues. It made even pensioners in English country towns and villages all across the land who had never voted for any other party other than the Conservatives in their lives, question whether they really wanted to support such a blunt attack on their interests. 

Indeed the manifesto was so bad in terms of populist appeal, that if you were minded towards a conspiracy theory then you might think that Mrs May had actually tried to lose the election! Personally I generally are more inclined to “cock-up” this “conspiracy” theory. I think that what has happened is not only a demonstration of Mrs May’s inadequacies, but also more generally how poor the British parliamentary system is at producing people to occupy leadership positions who genuinely have any real leadership abilities and characteristics.

Theresa May is one example of somebody with virtually no natural leadership ability. So of course was Gordon Brown another example. Jeremy Corbyn seemed to be similar but the fact is that when he was able to break out of the Westminster bubble effect, he does seem to have shown some considerable personal leadership qualities. The fact remains though that the establishment’s party system regularly seems to give people leadership titles and puts them into leadership roles which they are clearly personally unsuited to filling.



Over the last week or so we have been entertained by the spat over the Scottish Referendum between Nicola Sturgeon and Theresa May. Andrew Marr’s programme had it commented that it was “handbags at dawn”! 

Nicola Sturgeon has been saying that she wants to call another Scottish referendum before Brexit is complete, i.e. in about 18 months. Theresa May has been saying that she does not want it called for at least 6 years!

The process is that the Scottish Parliament will vote on the issue this week. Given the political balance in the Scottish Parliament of SNP and the Scottish Greens, it is inevitable that the resolution will be passed.

The resolution will then be formally submitted to the British Government, in accordance with the legislation which was passed by Westminster when it was agreed between David Cameron and Alex Salmond on holding the first referendum.

An interesting and real question will be whether Theresa May actually has legal power to refuse or delay a resolution made by the Scottish Parliament which fully complies with the legislation?

It may therefore be that in the drumroll of press releases one of them will be an Application by the Scottish Government for Judicial Review! If Theresa May loses such a Judicial Review, after her fiasco over the BREXIT case, she, and the British Government, will be utterly humiliated.

Whereas if Nicola Sturgeon were to lose the Judicial Review it could be useful to her as part of the case for the Scottish Parliament to go ahead and hold its own referendum (as an act of non-violent civil disobedience), unregulated by the British State. This would be in opposition to the British State, on much the same footing as Catalonia has held a referendum in which there was a majority for Catalonian independence, but which the Spanish State has sought to quash.

Unlike Spain, Britain no longer has a sizeable army that could be deployed to crush a rebellious civilian population and consequently there will be nothing practical to stop a Scottish Government, which having won an unofficial referendum then declare a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (“UDI”)!

Indeed from the Scottish Nationalist point of view I can see very good reasons to do so which will gel nationalists support into an even harder block of determined supporters than it currently has in Scotland, with Scottish nationalists being literally ready to fight in order to protect Scottish independence.

Much the same process occurred in the early 20th Century in Southern Ireland but then the British State had the whole might of the imperial British army to try to hold down the population of Ireland against its Will. Even so this proved to be an utterly futile and bloody exercise.



February 23rd 2017 was, accordingly to Katie Hopkins, “The day that UKIP died”! As you can see from her scorching prose on this link >>> KATIE HOPKINS on the day Britain became a one party state | Daily Mail Online

In my view Paul Nuttall started his campaign for the Westminster Parliamentary By-election for Stoke Central (or “Brexit Central” as he unwisely called it), with a positive message about being English and proud of it, but he then did nothing about the English question at all in the election. 

Instead he got totally blown off course with a series of controversies over various inaccurate claims. The result was that his campaign was a defensive one. That is the sort of campaign that you can fight if you are the incumbent. However to stand any chance of success as an “insurgent”, as Nigel Farage rightly pointed out in the UKIP Spring Conference, a campaign has got to be both positive and edgy!

There also seems to have been a failure to fully analyse both UKIP’s and Paul Nuttall’s strengths and weaknesses with regards this campaign. There was also a failure to fully understand the Labour opposition. In particular, there was a total failure to understand the role of Labour’s various Third Party Campaign front groups (such as the appalling and extremist “Hope Not Hate”) and the role that they play, not only in attacking their opponents in a way that doesn’t damage their candidate whilst they are doing it, but also it vastly increases the amount that can legally be spent on the campaign by those supporting Labour.

The outcome on the 23rd, on a dismal turnout from the 62,250 constituents of Stoke Central, was that 7,853 voted Labour (as compared with 12,220 who voted Labour in the General Election 2015).

By contrast UKIP only managed 5,233 as opposed to the 7,041 that voted for UKIP in the General Election. This is UKIP at their high watermark with their party just having achieved both a referendum and a Brexit vote and with Article 50 not having yet been activated. In order to win they only needed to have hung on to all those who voted for them in the General Election and gained a mere 813 extra people, out of the 79% that voted for Brexit in the EU referendum.

Instead of which their actual vote dropped by 1,808 votes. This was when UKIP had put up their Leader. No doubt therefore they have also put their organisational and financial best efforts in trying to win the seat. No doubt also UKIP spent the full £100,000 on the campaign that is allowed under electoral law.

On that same day of the result in Stoke, in Copeland, there was a still more dismal result for UKIP in which their vote in the General Election of 6,148 dropped to 2,025, below even the Liberal Democrats!

By contrast Theresa May and the Conservative strategy for these by-elections was completely successful. They have got an extra sensible sounding MP and humiliated Labour in Copeland, further undermining Jeremy Corbyn’s standing with the Parliamentary Labour Party.

They have a new Labour MP for Stoke who will be nothing but trouble for Jeremy Corbyn once he is in Parliament, but the result allows Corbyn a life-line so that he continues as Labour’s Leader.

The icing on the cake must however be to have lured Paul Nuttall and UKIP onto the rocks. I noticed that Esther McVey was rolled out, when Paul Nuttall was considering whether to stand, to say that she thought that if he stood he would get elected and various other Conservative figures said similar things, thus no doubt encouraging him to follow the rash course of standing.

In doing so Paul had, I think, taken insufficient notice of the fact that the Conservative leadership were aware at least six weeks before of Tristram Hunt’s intention to step down. This is because both the Culture Secretary and Theresa May herself were involved in signing off on him being able to take the job at the Victoria and Albert Museum. That six weeks was reportedly used by the Conservatives to leaflet and canvass the constituency unrestrained by any limitation on electoral spending.

No doubt this was done with the clear objective of ensuring that the Conservative vote held up enough to wreck UKIP’s chances of winning the seat by taking votes off the Conservatives.

The Conservative leadership has thus achieved the double success, that of seriously damaging both Labour and UKIP and of leaving both of their leaders badly damaged but attempting to struggle on.

A footnote to the campaign in Stoke is that the BNP, which used to have councillors in Stoke and was in contention to win the Elected Mayoralty, only managed 124 votes!