Five reasons for English Independence (of many!)

I was recently challenged for reasons to justify our call for English Independence. In reply I drew these up.

What do you think?

Five reasons for English Independence (of many!):-

1. Democratic Self Government – the natural state for a modern democratic nation >>> ; and

2. Fiscal autonomy – to end the “Barnett Formula” subsidies which the HofL report of 2009 stated were then over £49 Billion per year >>>; and

3. End “Barnett Consequentials” ie For every £10 Billion spent by the UK in England on a Capital project a further £1 Billion has to be given to Scotland eg HS2 £50Billion = £5 Billion bunce! and

4. Prevent Unionist plans to beak up England into “Regions” because “England is too big”! eg >>> and >>>

5. Dissolution of the UK equals automatic and immediate exit from the EU >>>