“The Devil Makes work for Idle hands “?

This is the old saying but what we are witnessing now is nothing less than what happens when the whole edifice of Law and Order is exposed as a ‘Paper Tiger’!

Now, wherever there is a risk of copycat arson, burglary and looting, there needs to be a display of real leadership shown by, amongst others, England’s Council Leaders. Instead we are getting a classic display of those in “Authority” trying to pass the buck.

The Police need be given firm and public orders by Leaders to take immediate and vigorous action at the first sign of trouble and to arrest as many as possible of those involved. Heads to be broken if necessary!

Where there is a risk of rioting Council Leaders should be applying now to the courts for a Public Order Act ban on groups of more than, say, 20 youths congregating in potential trouble spots, so that the police can arrest or disperse them as they see fit.

More generally we need to see an end to political correctness in dealing with criminality and also to those aspects of official ‘Multiculturalism’ which put Gang-culture on a par with traditional English culture. The purpose of the police is not social-engineering; it is a Force to crack down on criminals. We also need a return to our English traditions of local communities, homeowners and shopkeepers being empowered to enforce the law and defend themselves and their property.

In the longer term, the criminal justice system needs radical overhaul to make it much more of a deterrent to criminals and our primary and secondary education system needs to re-embrace, as a basic part of the curriculum, the idea of discipline.

Also the Government must recognise that Youth unemployment needs a much greater effort and focus. We need better youth training and an end to low skilled immigration taking jobs that our country’s native youth could do, together with a Welfare system which encourages and rewards Work.