Tory Nationalism!?!

As this is, politically speaking, the Spring Conference season, here is an extract from Dave Donald Cameron’s Spring Conference speech to the assembled few Tories and many lobbyists.
It will be of some interest to all English nationalists:-
“There’s another cause I want this party to rally behind…
…and that is keeping this Kingdom – our great country – united.
Now, of course, that’s not entirely in our hands.
Before long, there will be a referendum in Scotland.
It will be Scotland that votes. It will be Scotland’s choice.
But let me say here in London.
I am not going to give up on our shared history…
…the wars we have fought…
…the freedoms we have won…
…the wealth we have created.
These things matter…
…the literature we have written…
…the arts we have performed…
…the sport we have played…
…the blood we have shared…
…I’m not going to give up on those things without the fight of my life.
Those who think the Conservative Party is somehow relaxed about the future of the Union…
…or would even be relieved about its break-up…
…they just don’t get us.
Our patriotism is not a narrow English nationalism…
…it is a broad, proud and generous love of our whole United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
We’re stronger together…
…and let’s do everything in our power to make sure it stays that way.”

This from the man who told the BBC’s Andrew Marr that he wasn’t going to do anything about the unfair extra subsidies in Scotland because:- “I am a Cameron and there is quite a lot of Scottish blood flowing in these veins”!

How generous does he intend to be with English money then?
What will people who care about English Interests DO?