English business interests poorly served overseas!

Today I have had this reminder that it isn’t just here in England that English interests are treated as second best by our political masters!

Hi Robin,

I hope you are well?

I am currently living overseas (Dubai) and wanted to share with you some experiences I have had recently here in Dubai that in my opinion clearly show the intent of our Celtic cousins and the way we (the English) appear to be being left behind.

Firstly there is a very good radio show here called Dubaieye, this is an alternative to the normal run of the mill radio shows with their light hearted approach and play lists. Dubaieye and in particular a breakfast slot they have called the The Business Breakfast covers the regions (and to a lesser degree) business world. I often listen to this show whilst making the hour and a half journey over to Abu Dhabi and have now on a couple of occasions sat listening to presentations and interviews with a couple of Scottish bodies (apparently of a governmental type) who are over here to investigate and encourage business connections with the UAE Government and Scotland.

Whilst I encourage all elements of the UK to continue to grow their business/exports in all global markets what irked me was the fact that this was not a ‘British’ representation in any sense at all but 100% Scottish, in fact I think they must have mentioned ‘Scotland’ even more times than it was during the film Braveheart!

So this intrigued me that here are governmental (I assume) bodies coming overseas and possibly at the UK Tax Payers cost purely and very deliberately promoting Scotland as an independent body, would the English be allowed to do this?

I guess the reason why I am actually writing to you on this issue was that yesterday I experienced an even worse example of this when I attended the Dubai held Gulfood Exhibition.

Gulfood is a huge exhibiton for the food and drinks industry and is now believed to be one of the largest of its kind in the world. I was lucky enough to be invited there by a friend whom was exhibiting there.

Whilst he was busy I set off to have a look at the various stands around the exhibition. After passing numerous ‘areas’ where countries like Brazil, Argentina, Turkey, etc were displaying their products I saw the end of a block showing the Union Jack titled ‘Great Britain’. Unfortunately but sadly not surprising when I got there the ‘British’ stands were actually only two or three very small and forlorn (in comparison) stands of ‘English’ products. However venturing right next door I came across the huge and very impressive stand for Scotland, very independent, very big (and no doubts very costly) and very Scottish not British. Venturing even further I then came across stands which were again much bigger than the ‘British’ one for both Wales and Northern Ireland!! After much searching I disappointedly realised that the small ‘Great Britain’ stands were the ‘English’ ones, there was no English stand (complete with St George’s) like there was for our Celtic Cousins.

Now I have no problem with the UK either staying together or going their separate ways however I fail to understand why we the English appear to be unable to promote ourselves in such a large way as our Celtic cousins appear to be doing, why are we stuck under the banner of Great Britain whilst they are able to promote themselves individually on an international basis?

Anyway, rant over, it really made my blood boil and thought you may be interested to know that the imbalance currently existing in UK political and national affairs is not just restricted to the land mass called Great Britain.

Keep up the good work!

Kind Regards

If any reminder were needed that we English need to stand up for ourselves or we will be crushed in the stampede of others seeking advantage!